We finally arrived in Ouray, CO and met up with the rest of the family, most importantly Ben and Jonathan! More to come! Dave
Our drive to Ouray was uneventful, but surrounded by God's magnificent creation! We made a stop in Montrose at Target to get a few things requested by my mom. I thought of this as my last look at civilization for several days so I treated myself to a Starbucks Mocha Mint Frap. We also got a few food items at Nature's Grocer, and we were on our way.
The boys, my dad, my brother, and a few of his kids were at the gate to welcome us when we arrived at the campground. What a special welcome...lots of hugs and we finally were with the boys :). It has been a long ten days! We were excited to see my brother's family, too. It has been over a year since we have seen their smiling faces.
After taking some time to get settled in our cozy little cabin, we packed a picnic lunch and everyone headed to swim in the hot springs. We had a few sun showers, but overall a great time. Jonathan and Ben loved the watersides, and David liked the hot, hot part of the springs (like 102 degrees). I was amazed at how we were surrounded my beautiful mountains...I shouldn't be that surprised, we are at an elevation of 7,700+ feet.
One more thing...
I think I am going to UNPLUG for a few days. God has really laid on my heart to disconnect from technology for the next few days. I am not exactly sure how long, but I know I need to put it all away for a little while. David will continue to post pics and share our stories. I am sure there will be plenty now that the whole gang is together.
If ya'll could just post a picture or two or 10 of my grandchildren, I would appreciate it. :)